SMOKERS in Boston are being encouraged to take part in the first ever nationwide mass quit attempt. The Stoptober campaign, which has been launched by the Department of Health and is being supported by Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS), aims to help smokers quit in October. As well as the financial benefits of stopping smoking, those undertaking the challenge will experience physical improvements, including a better sense of smell and taste, and more energy.
Longer term, those who stop smoking reduce their risk of heart disease and lung cancer as well as protecting others from their second-hand smoke. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of premature death and each year it accounts for over 100,000 deaths in the UK. One in two long-term smokers will die prematurely from a smoking disease. To take part in Stoptober, smokers are being encouraged to visit the national website or call in at Boston’s Health Shop in Strait Bargate to visit a Phoenix Stop Smoking Service advisor.
The Phoenix Stop Smoking Service, which is part of LCHS, offers one-to-one support tailored to suit individual needs. Stephanie Heathcote, smoking cessation lead at LCHS, said: “The Phoenix Stop Smoking Service works closely with healthcare professionals, including GPs and pharmacies, to give smokers the support they need.
The service is non-judgemental and offers free appointments to suit individual needs, including late evenings, Saturdays and also a telephone service. “It’s never too late to stop smoking as the health benefits are immediate.” Anyone taking part in Stoptober will receive a preparation pack and support and encouragement through a Stoptober app (available via Smartphones), motivational text messages and a Facebook page.