вторник, 1 февраля 2011 г.

Alcohol, cigarette prices to rise

AN INCREASE in the price of alcohol and cigarettes is a "useless tax" which benefits no one, according to Ballarat businesses.
As of today, the price in beer, spirits and cigarettes will increase due to an Australian government-imposed tax.

The Australian Hotels Association Ballarat branch president and Irish Murphy's owner Ian Larkin said the increase was "very wrong and doesn't help anyone".

"We don't look forward to this one especially straight after Christmas," Mr Larkin said.

"It doesn't do anything for the hotels, it's just revenue for the government.

"In the hotel industry, if you wish to maintain your margins, you have to abide by it."

The tax rise is the third for smokers in the past year.

Cignall Specialist Tobacconist owner Trevor Backhouse said the price rise did not help his business.

"It's just another means of the government dollar pinching for other avenues of revenue that they need," Mr Backhouse said.

"It is detrimental for the business and eventually the customer base thins out and disintegrates.

"It isn't a time of year we look forward to."

But Reducing Risky Drinking program co-ordinator Chris Franck said the tax was a step in the right direction.

"I think definitely for at least the lower income person, it would make them think twice about purchasing alcohol," he said.

"We know by international and national research that increasing the price of alcohol is a deterrent.

"I think it will have an impact, whether it's the impact we hope for, I think it's a wait and see."

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