понедельник, 13 июня 2011 г.

Gainesville Takes Stand Against Tobacco Usage in Public Places

Tobacco Usage

What if the person who himself loves to smoke, is appointed as the head of the body that is to enforce the city’s anti-smoking ordinance. It seems to be a little startling but it has actually happened. Christopher Plateros, who himself has been a smoker since he was in high school has now been appointed as the head of a group that would enforce this city’s anti-smoking ordinance. It is very rightly said that the duty comes first. Christopher even considering his duty at forefront, quitted his habit of smoking.

Christopher even says that it was very hard for him to implement healthy initiatives while he himself continued smoking. The city government for now has moved on to strictly to implement the ordinance No. 2009-054 that not only bans smoking in the public buildings, churches, commercial establishments and stores but also at the same time it bans smoking within a radius of 100 meters from the public places.

For now, the city, Gainesville is all set to be deemed as a Smoke-Free Zone with consistent efforts being made by the anti-smoking body to ban the smoking in the city. Besides Gainesville there are other 41 cities and 10 counties that have made their policies and laws to strictly ban the tobacco usage in the parks and the other public places, as stated by the Department of Health.

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