понедельник, 2 апреля 2012 г.

Let's quickly get synthetic marijuana off our streets

marijuana off

The Georgia General Assembly needs to keep the pressure on those who skirt the laws of this state to sell substances that can be potentially harmful to our youth and adults.

Lawmakers seem to be doing that with the passage of Senate Bill 370, which addresses all brands of synthetic marijuana.
As the law stands now, what essentially is synthetic marijuana can be sold legally in novelty shops and convenience stores and is in many places around the state.

What the new law does is outlaw the primary chemicals that go into synthetic marijuana, as well as anything else that might be produced from its active ingredients or their derivatives and marketed as a “fun-time” product for legal consumption.

Gov. Nathan Deal should not waste time getting this legislation off his desk and onto the streets. He should sign it ASAP and put it into effect immediately. Until he does, the substance will continue to be legal and readily available.

Anything that might encourage experimentation with real marijuana or harsher street drugs like cocaine and the ever popular crack cocaine does not need to be on the shelves where children go to buy candy.

And teens don’t need any more temptation or distractions than they already have.

Drugs remain the No. 1 destroyer of individuals and families. They also are behind much of the crime that occurs in this city and county ... There also is the cost to the victims and to the taxpayers, who must pay dearly to house these people in jail or try them or run them through drug court.

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