пятница, 11 мая 2012 г.

NMB businesses learn rules of alcohol, tobacco sales

The North Myrtle Beach Public Safety Department will host an educational event that allows local business owners and their employees to learn the ins and outs of alcohol and tobacco sales. "You just can't take that step and serve somebody that's underage," said business owner Ken Talbot. "Because for a business owner that's a lot of trouble." North Myrtle Beach Police are trying to help keep businesses, and teens out of trouble by inviting store owners to attend the PREP (Palmetto Retailers Education Program) course.

It's held at the North Myrtle Beach Fire Station located in Barefoot Resort & Golf at 4740 Barefoot Resort Bridge Road. The course was offered on May 8 and will be repeated on May 10, from 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. to make sure business owners know and understand all the laws before they put a drink in the wrong hands. The goal of the PREP course is to reduce underage access to alcohol and tobacco in South Carolina communities, while also ensuring store employees know the legalities of selling the products.

"The rules are confusing," said Brain Booth with Shoreline Prevention. "I think that they may be a little intimidated to approach the police about an issue they've been having. So I think the police making that first step and reaching out to the community is huge in building those relationships." PREP is the only merchant education program available in South Carolina that covers off-premise sales practices, on-premise alcohol sales practices, tobacco sales practices, and development of manage/supervisor sales policies. The program is approved by the South Carolina Department of Revenue and the South Carolina Department of Alcohol & Other Drugs Abuse Services.

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