понедельник, 23 июля 2012 г.

Banning park smoking goes too far

Having stated the obvious, we question the need to banish smokers to their homes. That would be the effect of banning smoking in public parks, because once that step is taken a total public smoking ban would be an easy next step. Smokers must realize they are mostly unwelcome among their nonsmoking peers. Realizing that should lead them to be cautious about smoking in parks or elsewhere. A bit of respect for nonsmokers would go a long way toward keeping the peace.

 The parks board last week rejected a proposal to ban smoking in public parks, offering instead that individual groups could ask people to not smoke at an event. The request would not have the force of law, but most people are respectful enough to comply with such wishes. Gary Puetz, park board member and Scotus Central Catholic athletic director, said: “I don’t think we need to create our own problems. I just don’t see it as a problem.”

 He said Scotus suggests people light up in parking areas if they want to smoke. We can see in the case of a school event, where the institution might be hosting donors and other program supporters, that raising the ire of smoking patrons could be counterproductive. A degree of angst was expressed by smokers and business owners when the Legislature banned smoking in public buildings, restaurants and taverns, but the ultimate outcome seems to be acceptable, even profitable, for most everyone. Elsewhere in Nebraska, Fremont, Hastings and Central City have smoke-free city parks and Lincoln is considering a similar ordinance.

The Columbus City Council could, on its own initiative ban smoking in parks, but to date nothing indicates they are so inclined. We have enough faith in people governing their own behavior that we see no need to impose another law on the public or the police who would be left to enforce such a ban. Much more important issues should be addressed by our elected officials and the women and men in blue.

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