вторник, 16 октября 2012 г.

Group rallies in support of marijuana legalization

About 75 people, many of them women, gathered at the Capitol on Monday for a rally in support of marijuana legalization proposed in Measure 80. “People want marijuana and they are going to get it? Why not tax it?” asked Madeline Martinez, sole owner of the nation’s first cannabis café, which opened in Portland in 2009. She is also a former peace officer.

Supporters of Measure 80 said that cards for the state-run medical-marijuana program are becoming increasingly costly, and that would-be recipients cannot get access to doctors willing to grant the necessary permission and supplies of the drug for those who do not grown their own or have a designated caregiver do so. Oregon’s 1998 law does not permit sales. The ballot measure would allow adults to grow their own or buy it from state-licensed stores, where it would be taxed.

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