A Rapid City hookah lounge that has been the subject of recent legal troubles is withdrawing its request to transfer its beer and wine licenses.
A lawyer representing the owners of Ifrits Hookah Lounge notified the Rapid City Council by letter Monday of its intentions to withdraw the applications. The council was set to consider the requests at its meeting today.
"Understanding that the agenda has been set, I will appear at the City Council meeting to confirm these developments and to advise the City Council that no action should be taken on these agenda items," attorney Stephen J. Wesolick wrote Monday.
Both Police Chief Steve Allender and Mayor Sam Kooiker had recommended against allowing the transfer in light of recent problems with underage drinking and synthetic drug sales at the business.
Earlier this year, an employee of Ifrits and an owner received misdemeanor citations from police after photos of underage drinkers at a New Year's Eve party were posted on the business' website.
On Jan. 19, law enforcement served search warrants on Ifrits Hookah Lounge and another downtown business, Classified Hookah. Officers seized synthetic marijuana and bath salts.
No arrests were made, but the business remains under investigation by the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation.
A Feb. 13 letter from Pennington County State's Attorney Glenn Brenner also indicates that the hookah lounge has been notified that it is in violation of the statewide smoking ban approved by voters in 2010, according to city documents.
Ifrits, 725 St. Joseph St., was seeking to transfer the alcohol licenses because owners Charles Desmond and Brian Winckel changed the name of their corporation from Charles J. Desmond General Partnership to B&C, Inc. State law requires such a transfer, according to documents submitted to the city council.
Ifrits can continue to sell alcoholic beverages under its current corporate designation, according to City Attorney Joel Landeen.
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